Service Descriptions


Service Descriptions


Sunday School/Small Group Bible Study is at 9:00  am, and classes are located throughout the campus.  If you do not have a class in mind, please visit the welcome/coffee area in the Family Life Center or the Children's Ministry check-in desk to learn about the various classes we have to offer.

Our Worship Service is held at 10:15 AM in the Sanctuary, where our Worship Band along with Praise Teams and Worship Choir lead us for praise and worship, and our Senior Pastor, Jeff Lowe delivers a scripturally-based message from the word of God.


Crestwood Baptist Church has consciously made the decision to dedicate Wednesday nights as a time to focus on teaching and training the children and youth of our church and community and strengthen the family from within. That is why Wednesday evening kicks off with a Family Meal in the FAMILY LIFE CENTER, 5:30 PM, followed by age-appropriate programs Mission Friends for our Preschoolers, Children in Action for K-6th graders, both from 6:15-7:45 PM, and students grades 7-12 grades from 6:30-8:00 PM in the Student Building.  These programs encourage parental involvement in the Biblical and spiritual training of their children, and bring discipleship home, training their own children to follow Christ (Deuteronomy 6:6-7).  Adult Bible Study is led by Pastor Jeff Lowe 6:30-7:30 PM in the Sanctuary.