Crestwood Baptist Church Sunday School strives to equip people for life by discipling them through the study and application of God's Word in small groups.
Typically, when attending a church most people put the biggest emphasis on the Sunday morning service, but we at Crestwood understand, that in order to grow as a Christian, small group Bible studies are just as important. Fellowship can be such a blessing since we all have a need to discuss lessons, dig further into text, and grow relationships with one another! Despite each group being created around a common focal point (i.e. retired, parents, singles), each class is open to anyone so you can comfortably find a group where you feel you most belong.
Adult Sunday School classes meet every Sunday morning at 9 am. Please refer to the CHILDREN and YOUTH pages for more information about these Sunday School opportunities.
ADuLT 2Leader: Bob Killam |
ADULT 4Leader: Jason Gault |
ADULT 3Leader: Kevin Johnson |
MEN 1Leader: Don Poole |
lADIES 1Leader: Theresa English |
Adult 1Leaders: Spencer Mathews & Wade Maclean |
LADIES 2Leader: E-lane Graves |
ADULT 5Leader: Butch Clark |
ADULT 6Leader: Luke Latino and Linda Teel |
Adult 7Leader: Travis and Kristin Killough |

Naomi Brown
Office Manager